The move to ban asbestos, hailed as long overdue, has hit mainstream news in recent months. Asbestos is linked to many fatal diseases such as asbestos and serious lung conditions. The Federal Government aim to reduce asbestos related diseases with the move to ban asbestos by 2018. Challenges will come with the ban – identifying and removing asbestos in commercial and residential properties across Canada. The Globe and Mail ran this article in December reporting on a news conference with Canada’s Health Minister Jane Philpott.

Jane Philpott stated: “When it comes to asbestos, the science is … very clear….we are taking action on this now to protect future generations of Canadians.”

The Globe recently published new figures showing asbestos remains to be the top cause of workplace deaths in Canada. The ban would bring Canada in line with 50 other countries who recognise the known cancer causing carcinogen. Health experts, labour unions and bereaved families have lobbied for years with little success from previous Federal governments. Canada began mining asbestos in the 1870’s and was one of the world’s largest producers with the last mine closing in 2011. The estimation is that 10,000 Canadians have already lost their lives due to asbestos exposure in the past 10 years alone. An estimated 2000 new cases of cancers and diseases such as Mesothelioma due to asbestos are reported each year.

New federal workplace health and safety rules will limited the risk of exposure at work. Provinces will need to ensure building codes are changed to prevent the use of asbestos in construction and renovation.

Federal government will need to work to both provide protection and to provide assistance in the safe removal of asbestos from commercial and residential properties. The next steps of the ban and guidelines will be addressing the need for asbestos removal.

If you are concerned you have dangerous asbestos in your property or workplace don’t wait. Diseases related to asbestos can take many years to surface, but the exposure is now. Asbestos will need to be removed and should only be tackled by experienced, licensed professionals like Kleen Condition. If you are worried, contact us today for advice and to arrange an inspection and quote for safe, fast asbestos remediation.

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