Many of our clients have asked us for documented proof that asbestos was removed from their home or work place. There are several circumstances in which such a document may be important such as sale or purchase of a property, insurance underwriting and legal certification.
A certificate of asbestos removal is a statement confirming that asbestos was safely removed from the premises and asbestos containing materials (ACM) properly disposed to the landfill. For certain types of asbestos abatement, a third-party clearance and report is required.
To issue a certificate, the issuer must be certified
To issue a certificate, you need to have a certified asbestos expert attest to the “asbestos-free” status of your home or facility. Kleen Condition has the certifications and credentials to do this. Kleen Condition is certified in the following areas:
Kleen Condition is also certified for:
Kleen Condition is fully insured
Kleen Condition is fully insured against its inspection and remediation services. The company carries the following insurance policies to safeguard its certification: