It is vital to use a licensed mould remediation specialist who will inspect your premises to determine the scope of the work, take samples if required and advise on the next steps in remediation.

Kleen Condition will use their years of experience on hundreds of similar mould remediation projects for your commercial mould assessment. We will provide a detailed step-by-step plan and quote for your remediation project, enabling you to be legislatively complaint and safe in your operation.

Health Canada’s Residential Indoor Air Quality Guidelines describe mould in residential buildings as a health hazard that should be removed. The risk varies by species but Health Canada recommends all mould be treated as potentially harmful. Mould growths usually contain a mixture of species, and people can be exposed to many airborne moulds in buildings.


  • Repair of water damage and prevention of humidity to limit mould growth
  • Removal of visible and concealed mould regardless of the mould species

The Ontario Ministry of Labour published a hazard alert entitled, “Mould in Workplace Buildings” in December 2000. According to the report: “The sustained/and or extensive growth of any visible mould on the interior surfaces of a building is unacceptable. Mould growth on the interior surfaces of buildings is a risk factor for health problems.”

Employers are legally required by section 25(2)(h) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act to take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of workers.